Botborg / The Superusers – Nice, France – OVNi Festival

19 November 2022 – 4 December 2022
Château de Mouans, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux, Nice, France.

Chemin des Pixels #2 – Light Cone Collection

A proposition by OVNi + Light Cone, celebrating it’s 40th anniversary

As part of OVNi Festival, the EAC (Espace d’Art Concret à Mouans-Sartoux, Alpes Maritimes) hosts a carte blanche to Light Cone where video works from the collection will be exhibited. This is a new version curated by OVNi of the Chemin des Pixels, an installation originally conceived by Gisèle Rapp-Meichler for Scratch Expanded #10 at Les Voûtes, as part of the celebrations dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Light Cone.

These films will be screened as part of the program:
BotborgConnection to the Photosonicneurokineasthograph
The SuperusersKrushers of False Mechaniks

19 November 2022 - Dates - Projects: The Superusers, Botborg, Art: Video, Tags: Screening.