19 November 2022 – 4 December 2022 Château de Mouans, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux, Nice, France. Chemin des Pixels #2 – Light Cone Collection A proposition by OVNi + Light Cone, celebrating it’s 40th anniversary As part of OVNi Festival, the EAC (Espace d’Art Concret à Mouans-Sartoux, Alpes Maritimes) hosts a carte blanche to Light Cone where video works from the collection will be exhibited. This is a new version curated by OVNi of the Chemin des Pixels, an installation…
19 November 2022 - Dates - Projects: The Superusers, Botborg, Art: Video, Tags: Screening.
17-18 June 2022 Les Voûtes, Paris, France. Light Cone celebrates its 40th anniversary with multiple guest programs, screenings, performances, discussions and festivities throughout 2022. The core of the celebrations will take place from Thursday, June 9 to Sunday, June 19, 2022, in Paris : https://lightcone.org/en/news-745-light-cone-fete-ses-40-ans On June 17 and 18, Light Cone will be hosting the 10th edition of Scratch Expanded at Les Voûtes. As part of this event, which showcases performances,…
17 June 2022 - Dates - Projects: The Superusers, Botborg, Art: Video, Tags: Screening.
2 October 2021 E-M ARTS associazione culturale presents “Divergent Senses – The Art of Remembering” Screening of “ベルガ / Berga”. https://www.em-arts.org/en/events/the-art-of-remembering https://www.em-arts.org/.
2 October 2021 - Dates - Art: Video, Tags: Screening.
4 July 2020 Big Screen Brutals in Naples, Italy. Independent Film Show 20th Edition Big Screen Brutals by Botborg is a celebration of six ‘brutal’ videos from current artists using a maximalist aesthetic in video art, digital art, electronic music, and noise. Expect glitchy, psychedelic, violent, and quite beautiful combinations sound and vision. These are electro-shamanic short circuits that lead to a new state of surreality: in Der Kleine Kreis’ Clairvoyant the reduced quasi-geometric…
4 July 2020 - Dates - Projects: The Superusers, Big Screen Brutals, Art: Video, Tags: Screening.
I worked on Jung An Tagen’s stereoscopic film “DYAD” and you can see it publicly for the first time this week as an installation version at the OK Klubinstitut in Linz, Austria. https://www.sixpackfilm.com/en/catalogue/show/2553.
18 November 2019 - News - Art: Audio-visual, Code, Tags: Screening.
Big Screen Brutals exists to collect and celebrate brutal films and videos from all times and places. Expect noisy, glitchy, psychedelic, offensive, violent, hilarious, and quite beautiful combinations sound and vision. Big Screen Brutals also hosts irregular events which are more akin to an audio-visual-punk-rock-concert than the usual passive film screening, and likewise, audiences are encouraged to actively raise their glasses and their voices and join in on the projected action. Website…
3 May 2019 Botborg in Sokolowsko, Poland. Fundacja Sztuki Współczesnej In Situ Screening of “Connection to the Photosonicneurokineasthograph”.
3 May 2019 - Dates - Projects: Botborg, Art: Video, Tags: Screening.
10 October 2018 Botborg in Paris, France. Collectif Jeune Cinéma Screening of “Biofeedback in Simulation”.
10 October 2018 - Dates - Projects: Botborg, Art: Audio-visual, Tags: Screening.
A perfect weekend for bananafish! Sonunda haftasonu zamanı ve sarı takımlarınızı giyinme zamanı! Bütün haftasonu, Berlin ve İstanbul’daki çağdaş serigrafi dünyasının etrafında kurgulanan ve çoğu zaman yanlış anlaşılan, sürekli yenilenmekte olan bu teknik üzerine alternatif bakış açısı sunan bir serginin etrafında yüzeceksiniz. Solungaçlarınızı…
30 September 2018 - Dates - Projects: Big Screen Brutals, Art: Audio-visual, Curation, Tags: Screening.
15 September 2016 Botborg in Paris, France. Braquage Screening of “Principle 8”.
15 September 2016 - Dates - Projects: Botborg, Art: Audio-visual, Tags: Screening.