Kompressions of False Mechaniks in a chamber of 3D Hard Light
by The Superusers (Scott Sinclair, Pierre-Erick Lefebvre)
Installation for multiple 3D projectors and stereo sound.
About the installation:
The Superusers present an immersive multi-projector installation to be viewed in 3D space. Each screen shows the creation, propagation, and destruction of a separate digital cosmos. Faceless satellites gracefully dance and sing atop an alien landscape in a disturbed sense of synaesthesia. These objects are then pushed through a flowering of ‘trailspace’ where they meet and bind to highly mutated versions of themselves, starting them on a path to overpopulation and Designed-To-Fail ruin. Like a self-sabotaging assembly line, depictions of smooth geometry continually commit suicide in their failed in their efforts to surpass the complexity of natural forms. AO: Artificial Obstinance.
The installation premiered at Festival Gamerz at Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France, in 2015.
‘Kompressions of False Mechaniks in a chamber of 3D Hard Light’ has been developed with the kind support of Lab Gamerz.