Welcome to Berlin’s only Eurovision party for post-humans! Forget nationalism. Goodbye Europe. Auf wiedersehen homo sapiens. In honor of this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate Diversity’ we’re expanding the world’s biggest pop music contest to also include aliens, freaks, and sea life! Join karaoke-cyborg Scotty Technology with special guest journalist from under the sea Squidwin Triumph and discover answers to the important questions such as: Will Deutschland finish above last this time? Will France’s presenter…
13 May 2017 - Dates - Projects: KJ Scotty Technology, Art: Curation, Tags: Karaoke, Eurovision.
ONCE AGAIN DON’T MISS EUROVISION 2015 Let’s celebrate EURO TRASH & GET PHYSICAL! EURO OUTFIT highly recommended! EURO DJ WILL TURN YOU ON!!! Screening at 21h & stick around for EURODANCE AFTERPARTY ⌨ ⌨JOHN WATERS CLOSETS♫ ➹➹♥♥EUROFLUSH♥♥♥➹➹♨ John Waters Closets are mutants babes coming out of a pink flamingo uterus. They are dirty! flashy! fleshy! & tough cookies. Be smashed by John Waters Closets’ sticky ping pong. ♫ DJ ANTI AGING ⌨ *DISCO⌨ EURODRAMA⌨ ⌨ ⌨ HOT STUFF♫♫ EUROBIC⌨ ⌨ ♫ DJ Token…
23 May 2015 - Dates - Tags: Eurovision.
10 May 2014 DJ Invisible Pink in Berlin, Germany.
10 May 2014 - Dates - Projects: DJ Invisible Pink, Tags: Eurovision.
♫ EURO-PHORIA ♫ Eurovision Spectacular + Euro After Party! Eurovision + Eurotrash + Eurodance = EURO-PHORIA! Watch Eurovision live! Drink Eurovision cocktails! Come dressed as a Eurotrash star! Win prizes in our Eurovision poll! Grand Prize for the most Euro costume! Euro After Party all night with: Vagina Vomit (live, Paris) Santisima Virgen Maria Santa Klaus Nihil Casio Ono + Anto Christ DJ Vision (aka Vexkiddy) DJ Invisible Pink Samstag 18. Mai 2013 Eurovision begins: 21:00 After…
18 May 2013 - Dates - Projects: DJ Invisible Pink, Art: Curation, Tags: Eurovision.