Digital Thunder – Bristol, UK

29 December 2006
Digital Thunder in Bristol, UK.

Inter-Xmas Gig

The Great Inter-Xmas Farewell To Seymours Gig


Oh yes, what better way to cheer up that dull old week between Yule and Newy than to hold a party!

And what better venue to have a party that our soon-to-be-sadly-departed Seymours Family Club!

And what better party line up could you possibly have than this? (Actually quite a few, but this is all we could get!)

You’ve got…

Digital Thunder
Booty Bass Dad Rock Karaoke Mashups from folks you know very well…

Los Imabciles
Bristol’s own frat rock party supergroup

Clayton Blizzard
Public Enemy doing Smiths covers – or is it the other way round. Like Plan B but far far better!

Cesspit Rebels
First gig in 13 years from the 90s indie punk bumblers (and Hacksaw’s grandads)

Team Brick
Synaesthesic savant in a bee

…and your compare for the evening…

Uncle Rarg on his magic piano!

Witness the magic on Friday 29th December at Seymour’s Family Club.

Now only £2 on the door, true believers!

You’d have to be skint or tight – or just a no fun buffoon – not to come!


29 December 2006 - Dates - Projects: Digital Thunder, Art: Sound.