Company Fuck – Bristol, UK

30 November 2006
Company Fuck in Bristol, UK.

Laptop Battle

Company Fuck will be having some fun playing at this-

• A simple elimination style comp with head to head bouts
• Battlers will be paired up at random.
• Judges will ultimately decide the winner of each round
• Contestants may choose to be faded out after 2-3min or will receive a call issued bythe MC 30 sec’s before time is up.

Composition / Technical Ability / Live Performance / Crowd response
The idea behind the event is to push the envelope of live manipulation of self-composed electronic music. Therefore the “judges” will be looking for originality, composition, improvisation, live manipulation and performance. Technical craftsmanship needs to be partnered with the ability to generate a positive crowd response.

30 November 2006 - Dates - Projects: Company Fuck, Art: Performance.