Botborg – Auckland, New Zealand – TransAcoustic festival

8 December 2005
Botborg in Auckland, New Zealand.

TransAcoustic festival

Trans-Acoustic is a three day Festival where the centuries-old desire to fuse sensory impressions together is being given an experimental platform.
Seeking to underline the acoustic perspective in a predominately visual culture, the Festival offers an inspiring synaesthetic experience to the public with seminars, performances and installation on the 8th, 9th and 10th December 2005 at The Kenneth Myers Centre.

Ranging from the challenging to the playful, TransAcoustic features a unique array of tiny robots, light puppetry, spectrographic kaleidescopes, 16 mm film and static.

Trans-Acoustic showcases innovative digital media artists Botborg, Abject Leader and Robin Fox (Australia) accompanied by established NZ artists.
Fresh from a European tour, Robin Fox is one of Australia’s most interesting experimental music exports. His work covers the live performance of electroacoustic music, the symbiosis of sound and light phenomena and the realtime processing of instrumental and other electronic sources.
Abject Leader perform expanded cinema pieces for multiple 16mm projectors, handmade film, feedback systems, incongruous foley noise, sprockets and flicker, trumpet, and cardboard boxes!
Botborg fuse sound and vision into a self perpetuating synaesthesia of colour & rhythm, generated (in real time) entirely by device feedback through electronic circuits & the performance space.
Moving rapidly into the new millennium, TransAcoustic is the new interface between audio and visual.

8 December 2005 - Dates - Projects: Botborg, Art: Audio-visual, Performance.