18 September 2015 – Scott Sinclair – Copenhagen, Denmark
18 September 2015 Scott Sinclair in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Audio-visual artist Scott Sinclair
18 September 2015 Scott Sinclair in Copenhagen, Denmark.
17 September 2015 Scott Sinclair in Copenhagen, Denmark. Multiversal North https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPWGv0lXhL0.
05.05.Loopsider 5 with 5 events! 19:30h. open doors Concerts start sharp! Loophole Berlin Boddinstrasse 60, 12053 Berlín A night full of noise surprises. Suitness and decadence will take your brain and shake it. Projects out of conventions. IKU SAKAN DEREK HOLZER ATLANTEANS SEC_ / GABOLA / SINCLAIR ESOC more info/ https://pinpanpunfest.wordpress.com § Derek Holzer (1972) is an American instrument builder and sound artist based in Berlin…
This week the MIUC stages a stellar selection of spontaneous shredders from Germany and Australia in three aleatoric expressions of Deutsche Australier Freundschaft through pan-Indian-Ocean-intersonoversal hypertraversal. Masters of Brutality/Warpers of Reality Steve Heather and Marco Fusinato smash together percussive blasts and guitar squall into a thick, rich, cathartic wall of audial densities, simultaneously dissecting and scorning the notion of conceptual performance. Worshippers of cores from…
Too Many Freaks, Not Enough Circuses A bonanza filled event with performative Grandeur and noisy Souplesse in schmuck reservoir Del Rex. \\ LINE UP // • ROB GORDON • (live) / 21.30 Greasy sing/song. Spooky and Mellow. soundcloud.com/robgordon • ANDREAS KRACH • (live) / 22:15 The sound formerly known as drones. http://www.soundcloud.com/andreaskrach • HARMONY MOLINA & SCOTT SINCLAIR…
A night full of noise surprises. Suitness and decadence will take your brain and shacke it. Proyects out of conventions -SCOTT SINCLAIR+HARMONY MOLINA // Sailors’ songs for Mermaids. -KRAPOOLA -MARSECEZ DŁUGI (Utku Tavil + Wojtek Bajda) -MIM -H~ (Oscar Palou+ MartíGuillem) ++ H~ H~ is a duo conformed by Oscar Palou (manglart.es) y Martí Guillem (marti-net.blogspot.de), bouth spanish currenly living in Berlin. This proyect turns around live improvisation with electroacoustic elements…
C O M P A N Y – F UC K + F R E E K A – T E T + G U E S T — COMPANY FUCK l’irrésistible molosse break-karaoke-core australien, est accueilli par la Galerie LAZER QUEST, le mercredi 29 octobre 2014 de 18 à 22h30, au sein de la Gare Expérimentale ; Performance musicale et vidéo, scénographie en or solide, paillettes et fluorescence en bonne et due forme. Une occasion de fêter la sublime sortie “100% SOLID GOLD FUCKING” de chez BRK https://www.brkcore.fr/spip/spip.php?article141…
/// # SOIREE hIPPY sHAcK _ VENDREDI 24 OCT Soirée de clôture – pART_1__8€ musique actuelle / expérimentale / arts visuels numériques live / electro avec entre autre : OS OVNI (Usa) Electro Hippy + live bent video TANUKIS (Lille) Musique et 3d en temps réel EMEME (Japon/Berlin) Musique concrète avec les sons arlésiens COMPAGNIE ON (Mexique) Fluxus, création 3d en direct. DZOULIA (Bordeaux) Electro accousmatique en improvisation PASCALE GUSTIN…
12 September 2014 Scott Sinclair in Berlin, Germany.
5 August 2014 Scott Sinclair in Berlin, Germany. Scott Sinclair @ Robot Love Conquers the World, Loophole Live spaß: Julia Drouhin (noisy gleam robot, FR/AU) Scott Sinclair (digital noise + vox, AU) DJ spaß: TZII (he owns every Egyptian Lover vinyl, BE) Ping Pong (blond’n’brunette top girlzzz DJ’s, FR/AU) Eintritt: Spende.