Audio-visual – Dates

9 September 2016 – Company Fuck & John Deneuve – The Limited League of Wannabes – Berlin, Germany

Company Fuck & John Deneuve present The Limited League of Wannabes Exhibition Opening Friday 9th September / 19h Exhibition 10th September to 16th September Welcome to the working space of two Superheroes. Well, a space where they are trying to be Superheroes. Or Superstars. Or Super-artists. Here you will learn about their rigorous training schedule, what they eat, what they sing, what they poo. They don’t live like the rest of us – they dwell in a dramatically lit world of wigs and lycra…

9 September 2016 - Dates - Projects: Company Fuck, Art: Audio-visual, Installation, Tags: Exhibition.

15 April 2016 – Big Screen Brutals – Bangface Weekender – Southport, UK

This week we visit the glow-stick-glittered shores of North West England for the Bangface Weekender. We’ll be joining the raved-out pranksters from Chin Stroke Records who are co-presenting the festival TV programming with Network Awesome. What excellent company! Featuring the following BSB programs: Kultur=Kaputt Jamming culture until it’s broken. Our selection…

15 April 2016 - Dates - Projects: Big Screen Brutals, Art: Audio-visual, Curation, Tags: Screening.

6 December 2015 – Big Screen Brutals – 6 December 2015 @ Spektrum – The Crazy Cult of the New World Church of Creepy Crackpots

FB event: Sunday 6. December 2015 Doors: 19:30 / Start time: 20:00 “Spektrum” Address: Bürknerstraße 12, 12047 Berlin-Neukölln Map: Transports: U8 Schönleinstraße The Crazy Cult of the New World Church of Creepy Crackpots This edition of BSB is all about religion. And conspiracy theories. Weird ones. Caught…

6 December 2015 - Dates - Projects: Big Screen Brutals, Art: Audio-visual, Curation, Tags: Screening.

6 November 2015 – The Superusers – Kompressions of False Mechaniks in a chamber of 3D Hard Light – Aix-en-Provence, France

6 November 2015 The Superusers in Aix-en-Provence, France. The Superusers’ multi-projection installation “Kompressions of False Mechaniks in a chamber of 3D Hard Light” @ Festival Gamerz location: Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France www: The Superusers – Pierre-erick Lefebvre, Scott Sinclair.

6 November 2015 - Dates - Projects: The Superusers, Art: Audio-visual, Installation, Tags: Exhibition.

21 October 2015 – Botborg – Paris, France – Festival Serendip Lab

Mercredi 21 oct // Le Cirque Electrique // Projection & Performances Audio-Vidéo // 20h-1h // 6 euros Place du Maquis du Vercors, 75020 Botborg (Allemagne, Australie / HalfTheory / Synesthésie extrême) BOTBORG est un groupe de performance audiovisuelle international dont le travail porte sur la création d’expériences intenses de synesthésie de son et de couleur en temps réel.Le Photosonicneurokineasthographe est le nom que BOTBORG a donné…

21 October 2015 - Dates - Projects: Botborg, Art: Audio-visual, Performance.