DJ Invisible Pink – Dates

29 October 2014 – Company Fuck, DJ Invisible Pink – Paris, France

C O M P A N Y – F UC K + F R E E K A – T E T + G U E S T — COMPANY FUCK l’irrésistible molosse break-karaoke-core australien, est accueilli par la Galerie LAZER QUEST, le mercredi 29 octobre 2014 de 18 à 22h30, au sein de la Gare Expérimentale ; Performance musicale et vidéo, scénographie en or solide, paillettes et fluorescence en bonne et due forme. Une occasion de fêter la sublime sortie “100% SOLID GOLD FUCKING” de chez BRK

29 October 2014 - Dates - Projects: DJ Invisible Pink, Company Fuck, Art: Performance, Sound.

8 February 2014 – DJ Invisible Pink – Berlin, Germany

For the first time ever #flutedrop legend and world famous artist at large DJ DETWEILER is coming to Berlin! After starting his label Chin Stroke Records Detweiler is now ready to conquer the world with his flute/recorder induced drops! much lineup: 11-00 DJ PLAYLIST 00-01 Michael Aniser (Nightcore/Noise set) 01-02 DJ INVISIBLE PINK (invisible pink set) 02-03 DJ DETWEILER (FLUTE DROP) 03-06 SURPRISE B2B2B Detweiler/invisble pink/aniser 06-07 DJ PLAYLIST DJ Detweiler (Chin Stroke Records) DJ Invisible…

8 February 2014 - Dates - Projects: DJ Invisible Pink.

18 May 2013 – EURO-PHORIA – Berlin, Germany

♫ EURO-PHORIA ♫ Eurovision Spectacular + Euro After Party! Eurovision + Eurotrash + Eurodance = EURO-PHORIA! Watch Eurovision live! Drink Eurovision cocktails! Come dressed as a Eurotrash star! Win prizes in our Eurovision poll! Grand Prize for the most Euro costume! Euro After Party all night with: Vagina Vomit (live, Paris) Santisima Virgen Maria Santa Klaus Nihil Casio Ono + Anto Christ DJ Vision (aka Vexkiddy) DJ Invisible Pink Samstag 18. Mai 2013 Eurovision begins: 21:00 After…

18 May 2013 - Dates - Projects: DJ Invisible Pink, Art: Curation, Tags: Eurovision.