Botborg – Melbourne, Australia – Liquid Architecture

6 July 2005
Botborg in Melbourne, Australia.

Liquid Architecture

Liquid Architecture Festival of Sound Arts travels to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Cairns in July 2005 and showcases international artists Wet Gate (USA), TBA (Natalie Beridze) (GERMANY), Thomas Brinkmann (GERMANY), Eric La Casa + Jean Luc Guionnet (FRANCE), DJ Olive (USA).

Details of the half/theory contingent for the festival are…

FRIDAY 1st July 7.30pm
North Melbourne Town Hall Arts House
Concert 1
Alex White (NSW)
Antediluvian Rocking Horse (VIC)
DJ Olive (USA)
Essendon Airport (VIC)
Scot D. Cotterell (TAS)
Undecisive God (VIC)
Will Guthrie (VIC / FRANCE)

TUESDAY 5th July 7.30pm
Kaleide RMIT Union Theatre RMIT
Film Screening
A Fly In The Pigment
(curated by Joel Stern and Sally Golding)

WEDNESDAY 6th July 7.00pm
Kaleide RMIT Union Theatre RMIT
Audio-visual performance 2 (curated by dotmov)
Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, Anthea Caddy and Pia Borg (VIC)
Benjamin Ducroz, Michael Prior & Sam Acres (VIC)
Botborg (QLD)
Dominic Redfern & Bruce Mowson (VIC)
Severed Heads (NSW)

THURSDAY 7th July 8pm
Judith Wright Centre, Brisbane
Concert 1
Abject Leader (QLD)
Camilla Hannan (QLD)
Children In The Game(QLD)
Field Recording Ensemble/Incidental Amplifications (QLD)
Puzahki (QLD)

SATURDAY 9th July 2pm
Judith Wright Centre, Brisbane
Film Screening
A Fly In The Pigment (curated by Joel Stern and Sally Golding)

6 July 2005 - Dates - Projects: Botborg, Art: Performance, Audio-visual.