Performance – Dates

8 September 2012 – Company Fuck – Berlin, Germany

The beast of Raum is asleep for now so come join me celebrate my 13th birthday with my beloved friends in the basement of the three amazing brothers THE SAMEHEADS ! ANKLEPANTS (Live set) VJ MEAT (Live set) COMPANY FUCK vs SANTISIMA VIRGEN MARIA DJ DONNA SUMMER (Happy Hardcore) DURAN DURAN DURAN (Gangster Rap) KARL MARX STADT feat. Claws Cousteau (Skweee) TZII (Acid) SHINS-K (ambient noise) MICHAEL ANISER (amyl nitrite) LIVE VISUALS : NEMESIS.

8 September 2012 - Dates - Projects: Company Fuck, Art: Performance.

24 August 2012 – Company Fuck – Bristol, UK

This one is a little bit special and we cant wait for it!! Caught them at ATP and was blown away! No Need To Shout Presents … ORCHESTRA OF SPHERES (New Zealand) + VEX KIDDY + COMPANY FUCK No Need To Shout Dj’s — Start The Bus 22.00 – 03.00 £4/£3/£2 ORCHESTRA OF SPHERES Ululululululul! Orchestra of Spheres – Warping spatio-elastoplasticity! Channeling ancient future funk from the IS! Creating spontaneous symmetry in sound! Orchestra of Spheres takes you to higher dimensions through…

24 August 2012 - Dates - Projects: Company Fuck, Art: Performance.

8 August 2012 – Company Fuck – Berlin, Germany

8pm @ Chalet doors 6€ 08.08. opens the door to a ride towards infinity, to a space in the perpetual cosmos. an invitation to take part in a tide of creative constellations. in alchemy, the notion of infinity was introduced by jakob böhme. he was the first who has seen the cosmos as a perpetual genesis. through seven principles related to the planets, he found an explanation to the creation of the world. in his divine attempt to find wholeness, böhme places the human being in the center.…

8 August 2012 - Dates - Projects: Company Fuck, Art: Performance.