The Half/theory shop provides a central marketplace for the world to obtain works by artists in the Half/theory collective. It is intended that the majority of these works will be self-published, sometimes in handmade or numbered editions, and usually only available in small quantities. When you buy from the shop, you are usually buying direct from the artist or label. There are no extra charges or fees after the artist/label has listed an item in their individual shop.
For experimental and avant-garde DVDs visit our friends OtherFilm Bazaar
Q: How do I buy?
Click the Buy Now links. All you need is a credit card or paypal account. Make sure you have selected the correct Currency for your location, as this information is also used to automatically calculate postage. Easy huh?
Q: Why should I buy?
In many cases the items in the shop are only available from Half/theory. We have a strong DIY underground focus, so there are many limited edition CDR, DVDR, and Cassette releases amongst more widely available 'official' releases. There are also some extremely rare works lovingly handmade from the artists, and let's face it, that's the only good reason to buy music these days. Otherwise why not download it?
Q: Why isn't the site working?
Your browser needs cookies enabled. If you are still having problems send an email to mail[at]halftheory[dot]com
Q: I bought something, now where's my package?
When you buy from the shop, you are usually buying direct from the artist or label. Please contact the individual shop if you have any questions about an item (or write to the email address on the paypal email). The shop is comprised of works from many dedicated, responsible, and 'professional' artists from many countries and I am sure they would be happy to hear from you. You dig? Half/theory management is not responsible for most of the items in the shop.
Q: How does this thing work?
Previously the shop was like most webshops - a single entity with all items in one place, and all orders going to one person. While I have respect for all the items in the shop, the problem is that I have no interest in keeping a stockpile of CDs under my bed, nor do I have the time to collect and distribute money amongst many artists in many countries. Making money is not the issue here. So I created the current system, whereby artists/labels login and list items under their own individual shop which is collated in the main shop. Orders go directly to the artists/labels paypal without any intervention from Half/theory. Cool huh?
Q: I am an artist/label with stuff to sell. Can I join Half/theory?
Probably. Send an email to mail[at]halftheory[dot]com introducing yourself with links to your work. And we take more than just music!
Q: So if Half/theory doesn't make any money from my items, what's the catch?
Send me a present after your first sale. Fair?
Q: I am a member on Half/theory. Can you help me out?
Here's some tips:
- Set your shop and your shop items as LIVE if you want them to show on the site.
- Calcuate the postage for your item to the major areas (Australia, Europe, Japan, USA) and incorporate the cost into your prices. AusPost has a postage calculator.
- Paypal usually takes 2.5% transaction fee on every sale. Incorporate the cost into your prices.
- Paypal has a few 'merchant' settings you might want to play with. It usually helps more to sign up as a 'premiere' member or something.
- Upload good images/text for your items (even mp3s to stream/download). Treat your work with the respect it deserves. People will notice.
Q: How can I help you out?
I would really appreciate - web design help, creative writing help, free server space, good ideas. mail[at]halftheory[dot]com
Q: Who are you anyway?
We are not men. We are Half/theory!