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Botborg - Principles of Photosonicneurokinaesthography

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DVDR from Half/theory (HALF04)

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Half/theory is pleased to be able to present the first available documented results of Botborg's researches into the 'occult' science of Photosonicneurokineasthography (psnky). Literally, psnky means "writing the movement of nerves through use of sound and light" and was first developed by Dr Arkady Botborger (1923-1981) in the mid 1960s. Due to the limitations of the technology at the time, Botborger's equipment - the Photosonicneurokinaesthetograph (pnkg) - was massive and importable, thus making psnky impossible to demonstrate in public and keeping knowledge of psnky all but hidden until this time - a situation BOTBORG intend to remedy. The 'human component' of Botborg (as they wish to be called) prefer to remain anonymous, and provided Half/theory with the following statement:

"Put simply, psnky sits in a position which is between what we currently call art, science, philosophy and magic. All these terms are, of course, completely arbitrary and melt together at their fringes and their vanguard. Dr Botborger was attempting to present his work through the scientific community, which was probably in many ways not the wisest idea - this being an area obsessed with definition and boundaries. Therefore we instead have chosen to present our researches as 'art' since we feel that this will bring the widest audience to our demonstrations at present. In actuality, we feel that most artists are pathetically careerist and unambitious, and have no real understanding of what art IS - the manipulation of nervous systems through time. They remain content to play semantic games with agreed upon symbols for an audience who do not wish to be challenged, or even moved any more. We are not interested in playing these games. We are not interested in being performers or entertainers. We have come to help people use their senses and their brains, before they lose them. This is the golden rule of evolution - use it or lose it. By exerting the amount of control we do over our environment, humans are disrupting the evolutionary process. So we have to take matters into our own hands, so to speak, and use the means we have to evolve ourselves if we are to progress beyond our currently mired state. Isn't this the 21st century? Isn't this supposed to be the future? What happened to us?"

For more information on the basic principles behind Botborger's researches into psnky visit the Botborg website -

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