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Polyfox and The Union Of The Most Ghosts - The Union Of The Most Ghosts

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Polyfox And The Union Of The Most Ghosts

Cassette from Monstera Deliciosa (MNSTRDLCS003)

Archived item from Monstera Deliciosa

A fox wanders into a grey forest, the grey forest inspires in the fox heart the polychameleon elements of its fox circulatory system, lighting fires of forest greens through its fox fur. This causes splinters of fox colour to shoot like arrows from the tips of the fox fur printing the surrounding forest in fox colours. Mini and big fox alike become lost in the fox foliage. The whole grey forest is as though it is wearing a fox fur coat. Fox forest foxes become lost in their new fox environment unable to differentiate fox from forest. The ghosts of the forest wonder why their habitat appears as an immense fox. The forest spirit (which is the forest green) was only visible to ghosts and now is the embodiment of polyfox, and can only be enjoyed in a forest coloured fox shape moving in fox motions around an enormous fox forest.
the music is intended as accompaniment to this story and can be described as simple pop music created with a guitar, a keyboard and a loop station :)

1. upset polyfrog finds monofrog blissfully basking
2. passive polyfox surrounded by horror
Cross Boa Tangles gently around Polyfox
4. shrinking ghost captures the fast shrinking ghost
5. the itching back of expanding ghost
6. brisk triple bird confuses the shared wing
7. blind leopard thinks carefully
8. steady chromatic bear
9. parting is such sweet polyfox
10. all the living musicians fighting over thin air
11. bright fox in dull forest
12. expanding ghost contained by three crocodiles
13. pneumatic cactus' continuous content
14. the union of the most ghosts
15. three crocodiles cannot see invisible expanding ghost any longer