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Hi-God People - Hi-God People / Zond split 12"

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LP 12" from Spanish Magic (SM011)

Buy Now $22.00 from Spanish Magic

The Hi-God People side of the split was recorded around the same time as their previous 12 inch split with New Zealanders the Dead C. It has live snippets from a show at the Palace and recordings from a radio 3CR session. HGP have been at it since 1998 - they've had two albums, three EPs. The members oscillate between four and fifteen. Always a spectacle!

Zond are a rock group from Melbourne, Australia. They are named after a satellite of the USSR. But Zond are broadcasting dark ecstasy, not from space but from a place far below. They are a Rorschach blot or a Freudian analysis gone wrong. Their live shows vary from a screaming psychedelic car crash to ambient metal: all that can be known in advance is the intensity of the performance. Zond include members of past and present groups: Fong, Library Punks, On, Mum Smokes, Ned & the Meds, The Stabs. This is Zond's first release.