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The Spiders - The Spiders

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LP from Pulled Out (PULLLP05)

Buy Now $34.00 from Pulled Out

Australia is known to be the home of some of the deadliest spiders in the world & James Heighway is no exception.When not behind the drum kit in XWAVE James collects and modifies ancient electronics. These are The Spiders, a unique blend of broken, hacked, modified and recycled guitars, keyboards, effectors, mixers, etc all played simultaneously. Together the sound expressed conveys a feeling of the bush drenched in feedback.
James's intense live performances have him known as king of noise throughout the region. Others have dubed him Merzbow of the Mountains. This LP collects hilights from limited edition cdrs and cassettes previously released on Moth Noize (James' own label) & a live performance at the 3rd Winter Tragic festival.
Limited edition of 300 on white vinyl with individually spray painted covers by the artist.