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Joel Stern / Anthony Guerra / Paul Hood - Low Resistance Group

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CD from PARAdisc

Buy Now $22.00 from Joel Stern and Friends

low resistence group anthony guerra - electric guitar, electronics joel stern - field recordings, contact mics, electronics paul hood - GP3 record player, amplified objects, mixing desk six improvisations recorded in London 14 November 2002 18 Ausgust 2002 at resonanceFM edited/mastered by joel stern, melbourne april 2003 visual artwork / design michael rodgers Low Resistance Group is a superb and convincing résumé of several trends in contemporary improv: the incorporation of sound material recorded in the outside world and used as raw material for live transformation (Luc Ferrari's description of DJ Olive and eRikm as "les nouveaux concrets" applies just as well to Stern), contact microphones to reveal the secrets of surfaces and objects and an openness to diatonic harmony and a readiness to accept the influence of folk, pop and rock as willingly as early European improv incorporated – and ultimately subverted – jazz. Certainly the most convincing outing of its kind since last year's Open on Erstwhile, this is a beautifully recorded and superbly mixed album, instantly captivating yet rich in detail. Dan Warburton (paris transatlantic)