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Scott Sinclair / Mariam Wallentin - Balloon Party

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CDR 3" from Doufu Records (DRMCD001)

Buy Now $12.00 from Half/theory

Balloon Party

1. I dont think I know anyone here
2. Get ready to party
3. I won the dance contest
4. Whats in these balloons?
5. I love marzipancake
6. Mom was picking me up at ten

Scott Sinclair, Mariam Wallentin
vocal, harmonica, cymbals, snare, baby-accordion, unplugged guitar, chains, electronics, water, plastic bottle, toys, bells, coins, etc.

recording location: Gothenburg
date: 10 July 2006
recorded, edited and mastered: by scott

Doufu Records

Limited MiniCDRs available.

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Scott Sinclair (Brisbane, Australia) and Mariam Wallentin (Gothenburg, Sweden), both with long histories in improvised music in their home countries, met when playing the same concert in Sweden in 2006. They immediately found that they had a shared passion for grotesque vocal sounds, accompanying random percussion, and a demented sense of musicality. At times Balloon Party sounds like a group of unsupervised handicapped children having a birthday celebration. Completely live and acoustic, it is at times difficult to think so many sounds and instruments were only played by 2 people.