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Shop : Ernie Althoff - Dark By 6

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CD from Antboy (07)

$15.00 AUD   Add to Cart or Buy Now
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"Dark by 6" features five recordings of installations built in Melbourne, Australia by Ernie Althoff from 2000-2003. All tracks are digital on-site recordings and, combined with the booklet notes and images, attempt to give a representation of the works in an out-of-gallery timeframe. Most of the works feature Althoff's favourite stripped-down 16 rpm turntables, along with a couple of oscillating electric fans and some converted cassette players, as the motive forces for the chance-based percussion compositions that perform themslves in the spaces. The final track uses an untrained, unforewarned audience to sound the devices following simple instructions on cards collected on entry to the space. Each track is at least 12-14 minutes duration for excellent opportunities to evaluate the textures, frequency bands, individual sound events and engaging rhythms that constitute these compositions.

Added by antboy on 29 March 2006