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About Half/theory


half/theory represents a loose collective of Australian and New Zealand artists and researchers involved in experimental music, emerging artforms, education, and esoteric research. half/theory provides extremely cheap web server space as a platform for representing some of the many dedicated and unique projects from Australia and New Zealand that would otherwise remain in obscurity. The half/theory shop provides a central marketplace for the world to obtain works by people in the collective. It is intended that the majority of these works will be self-published, sometimes in handmade or numbered editions, and only available in small quantities. half/theory was established by improvising musician and website administrator Scott Sinclair in 2003.

Artists' interests encompass generative art, self-made instruments, self-made film, audio visual performance, cracked electronics, new improvisation... all art that is committed to exploring beyond preconceived notions of human/technology interaction, and is dedicated to embracing chance factors (or "errors") as a necessary and desirable part of the work.