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Blog : Instant Cred, Little Man / Getting A Posse Together

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have you seen this man? he is a dangerous bootlegger who is wanted by an aggreived posse of halftheorists for purposes of lynching

instant cred, little man / getting a posse together

in great news for those of you who can't be bothered waiting for the artists who played at listen little man! 4 yesterday to recieve, clean up & edit their live recordings before making them available for your leisurely private home comsumption, we've all been bootlegged! holy crap!! gott in himmel!! zut alors!!! blistering barnacles!!!  etc!!! behold our bounteous instant credibility!!!!
yes, that's right, it seems some gentleman by the name of tom hall has recorded the performances. dumped them to hard disk, converted to mp3 & uploaded them to the internet.  cheeky bastard... so, we're all going to teach him a little lesson, and cane his bandwidth to the limits here. or since he's new to town, maybe we should get a bit more information about our new neighbour (here ) before we lynch his ass posse style.  or maybe we should just let him off because he cares, and it only took him a couple of days in town to find us....answers on a postcard please....
thanks to tom for his interest, and we're really very sorry, but the law's the law, and bootlegging's a hanging offence round these here parts...

oh, ps... sticklers for detail will note that the flew creeking vs hetleveiker set has been listed as being "blue creeping"... so lets call this the title, hmm?

Added by jpeatt on 26 June 2006
