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Blog : Half/theory Are Control All Your Internets

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anonymous henchman of half/theory's online empire

Half/theory are control all your internets

behold the expansion of our vast internet empire.  Half/theory now controls a portion of the internet equal in both size & richness to the sultanate of Brunei.  High five team!

To celebrate, we've put a few new things for you up on our collection, with more to come shortly...

Firstly, Scott Sinclair & Miriam Wallentin's acoustic improvisation album "balloon party", a delerious exploration of the sounds of the children's party. or something. Bizarre, hilarious, adventurous & unclassifiable. Scott has also posted his collaborative album with Clinton Green, "With Doors Open" , covering a wide spectrum of guitar & electronics improvisations...

We've also put up a collection of live Biffplex sets from 2002-03, including their infamous Small Black Box Performance & their set from Liquid Architecture 2003, in support of Bernard Parmegiani.  They giggled like schoolgirls whenever he was around. It was most embarresing.

there's also a lovely new live to air piece by Tim Coster up there, and we highly recommend that to you also

Archive really is a grand site, and you'd be amazed what you can find whilst digging around there.  In addition to all the home recorded dreck you could ever want, and housing an interesting collection of netlables,  you could go there & download....">
the folkways recordings of the sacred mushroom ceremonies of the mazatec people of mexico,
some dirty as hell jiveass music from the congo, and the 70's (konono #1 fans take note!),
a live performance by MV/EE & Bummer Road,and a bunch of other live recordings in a similar vein,
fans of "real people music" might get some mileage out of "a Gulley Gathering", a private tape of a family gathered around the piano to sing their favourite hymns, while fans of "keepin' it surreal" might need to hear the whitest ganstsa rap ever, and there's endless acres of shit like this up there.... let us know what you find!

Added by jpeatt on 15 April 2007
