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Small Black Box
This forum is for discussions relating to Small Black Box events and general experimental sound practise, with a focus on activity in Brisbane, Australia. As a dedicated supporter of experimental music please consider joining the aus_noise email group and the Small Black Box mailing list.
is there like an open mic anywhere in birs? where i can just plug in my laptop and start playing for 30mins, and shout people beers afterwards?
this was a strange one for me. i think the idea was very solid, and the sound was appropriately haunted/ing, but it just went on way too long. it needed to be shorter and tighter, or a bigger production all round (more vocalists, a variety of projections)- i think the idea could support this.
What can I say! All awesome - perhaps my favourite SBB ever. Pateras and Fox are so tight and IMO piss all over MOST established Electro-Acoustic Improvisors. Have a particular soft spot for Fox's solo with oscillator visuals stuff which no-one came to on Friday night :(
Lost Domain went for too long but the first 20 or so minutes were brilliant - love the way they hover in a mystical way - these guys should do a live soundtrack to Holy Mountain!
Fugal Quease - AKA Michael Norris had some sound/gadget problems which he managed to overcome like the pro he is. I particularly like the very metalic nature of his drones - reminds me of Organum.
And what a turn out! We may need to upgrade our space arrangements!
This set really caught my attention, I wish I had been able to capture the four channels sepaerately to give the recording the justice that the night deserved. Fox's manic laptop manipulation definately left him no time for chin stroking.
Enjoyed the Lost Domain's "Tom Waits meets Howling Wolf at the Crossroads of alternate musical reality". I'd just been listening to Slowhand's new tribute album to the old bluesman (Me and Mr Johnson) on the web (Sorry eric, ya gitar/band is fine but ya voice just don't cut it imo) so it was a real treat for me to walk in and hear a Willie Dixon (Spoonful?) classic interpreted in such a laid back psycho-acoustic manner. Nice viz and staging to boot.
pateras/fox: virtuosic mixing fingers brought to mind a technological version of Shine. High velocity sounds warping through time, space and soundspectrum made for some great dynamic sonic textures.
Fugal quese: unfortunately I made the mistake of sitting up the back and could not quite see the jello manipulation, but it sounded tasty.
Maybe some ideas for gerald there?
i am the guy who wnated 2 cook 2 electronic music last small black box. basically the idea is we sit down and think what food (incl mayb food dyes etc) would suit some piece of music, with different movements in the music equaling different courses and so on. the participants are not told what is going on as they eat 2 the music - we tabulate the results.
some of the food could proabably b dumpster dived or shop lifted so this need not b really expensive.
hello everyone in sbb land...
i hope you can all come to the next sbb on 28 march 2004. my personal feelings behind the 3 acts are:
- fugal quease / michael norris is a one of a kind inventor/performer, half genius half madman. everything he's ever done has "YES!" written all over it (even 'sampler 88').
- pateras/fox - i have not seen them in a duo but both are fantastic improvisers in their own right. you might say one of the most successful active/energy improv acts in this country?
- the lost domain - living legends, these guys have done it all before. gritty, sludgey, swampy. they were making great stuff when i was still imitating pink floyd.
see you there!
i agree that this is a realy good idea and that hopefully it will encourage a level of reasoned discussion about artistic practise.
this is to test the new sbb forum. GO CRAZY PEOPLE! this forum is what you make it.