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Small Black Box


Severin Minus Seven

Severin Minus Seven

Sev is a dedicated practitioner across several disciplines. Strongly encouraging cross genre collaborations. Has always been influenced by new technologies. Predominantly a fringe motivated artist. Product based heavily upon sound, media and semiotic consequence. Has recorded and produced a number of experimental sound pieces. Collaborated with many local, interstate and international artists and musicians. Sev is an art aspect, a cog in a complex wheel of creativity. He has travelled extensively collecting many exotic instruments. Is a writer, producer, critic, performer, recording artist, specialising in polished improvisation.

This performance is the result of 10 years creative development... heavily influence by zen and chaotica... extremely cut-up spoken wordart/the art of sound and premeditated intent... the progression will be one of space and meditation to extreme layering of harmonics effected voice and tanboura (ancient indian drone instrument)...the basis of sound and visuals in effect will be used as diametrics but most importantly as psychological triggers that lend elements of usually (Western mindset) macarbe expectations.In effect expecting something horrible to result due to ingrained semniotic consequence.Of course an anti climax results leaving the audience wondering in fact why it is they expected such an outcome. This is definately not a performance for those with a pacemaker installed... due to extreme usage of frequencies that will affect the physical reality of all humans present.
