Awake.. tired.. stare..meander

Stuff Releases Music Pictures Others

Likes: Kidney Beans, Yaks & Donkeys, Scotch & Gin, Fresh Socks, Mathematics, Toast.

Musical joy from: The Dead C, Whitehouse, Sinking Citizenship, Gang Wizard, Deep Where All Drown, Castings, Prurient, Sightings, Ray Off, Part Chimp, Go Genre Everything, Xinlisupreme, Witcyst, Tall Dwarfs, Borbetomagus, Futurians, On, Skullflower, Bitch Magnet, Alistair Galbraith, Chris Smith, Dad They Broke Me, Labradford, Polvo, Grey Daturas, Bastard Noise, Kevin Drumm, Richard Rameriz, Cock E.S.P, Gate, Happy Flowers, Armyish, Codeine, etc..

Booklike fun from: Albert Camus - 'The Outsider', Ursula K. Le Guin - "The Dispossessed", Ivan Goncharov - 'Oblomov', Saul Bellow - 'Herzog, Kurt Vonnegut - 'Bluebeard', Peter Kropotkin -'Fields, Factories and Workshops ', Annie Proulx - 'That Old Ace in the Hole', Gail A. Eisnitz - 'Slaughterhouse', John Steinbeck - 'Cannery Row', etc..

Also has a solo project, Galactagogue.