
Press: Radio, Print & Reviews


Radio Interview
'Vanishing Point' with Alan Bindig.
3D 93.7fm, Adelaide.
Tuesday, 23 January, 2001.

...broadcast of 'tattwa meditation' by Poota...

Alan: Hello and welcome to the Vanishing Point on 3D radio 93.7 fm. Welcome to the experimental music show. The time is 11 minutes past midnight.
Opening up the show tonight was Poota with 'Tattwa Meditation' from the album 'This is Kettle'. Speaking of Kettle, I have Andrew Kettle.

Kettle: Yes, dragged into the studio bruised and beaten.

Alan:From Brisbane, here to say hello and promote some Kettle label things.

Kettle: Hello Adelaide.

Alan:How do you like Adelaide.

Kettle: It's Brilliant, I can imagine that Melbourne and Sydney think that it is a bit down rate and backward. But from a Brisbane perspective it is absolutely brilliant. Most impressed with this little town.

Alan:Good to hear. Just before we begin to talk about what we are going to be playing, I'd just like to say that I have just come from Diamanda Galas, and that was amasing.

Kettle: A moment to remember.

Alan:Yes it was. Standing ovation, three encores. And if you didn't go, well then, you should have gone. It's good to see so many people did go.

Kettle: It's good that she came to adelaide.

Alan:yeah well it certainly was. Because a lot of people skip Adelaide.

Kettle: Yes, a lot of people skip Brisbane as well.


Kettle: Yes, you would be surprised at how many things we miss out on.

Alan:Wow, I always thought that brisbane was a bit more happening.. that it was east coast so it got everything.

Kettle: Oh, no it's just tourism propaganda. Anyhow, on with the show..

Alan:O.k. Tell us a bit about what you are going to play next.

Kettle: The next piece is '6.99', which is a from a split CD. What you are going to be listening to is myself going around with an inductive pickup through my house and recording the noises from my electronic appliances, microwaves, blenders, televisions, remote controls, fridges, stoves and then composing with them as an instrument. So it's an electromagnetic soundscape....

...broadcast of '6.99' by Kettle...

...broadcast of 'Artificial Thought' by Kettle...

Alan:You're listen to 'The Vanishing Point' on 3D radio, 93.7 FM. The time is 28 minutes past midnight. What did we hear then?

Kettle: That was a track called 'Artifical Thought' from a three track CD, which as a give away at a performance two years ago in Brisbane called 'The Turing Test', which was part of MAAP festival. It was Adam Donovan, Jeremy Yuille and myself. Adam Donovan is a notable Brisbane public art installation sculpture sound worker, and Jeremy is now lecturing at RMIT, in Melbourne. The track was created using a fantastic PC program called 'Brainwave generator', which enables you to compose using graphs of volume, frequency, modualtion, what have you over what ever time period.

Alan:Now if people what and go and purchase any of these recordings, because I haven't seen them around in Adelaide, but there ...

Kettle:Hopefully soon.

Alan:Hopefully soon? Should we wait for distribution here?

Kettle: We are living in the age of modern technology, there is a website. which will take you to the front pages of the label kettle, the bio site for myself, the aus_noise list, which is a email newsgroup for experimental musicians and audience in Australia there is about 80 members on that at the moment and growing about four members a day which is pretty good.

Alan: Cool, I also wanted to ask. You have very special packaging here. Not many people are using the three inch CD format anymore. It's sort of.. well mini-CDs you saw it around at the start and then it died and it seems to be coming back a bit these days.

Kettle: It's a bit more trainspotterish, a bit more collector, a bit more art. When you are working with experimental music having a 20 minute limit is quite appealing to people who want to buy it. They think, 'well do I really want to experience 70 minutes of experimental music?' So having something that is just 20 is appealling to some people I think.

Alan: Yeah, I can understand that.

Kettle: And it also enable you, being a smaller CD, to package it in a more variety of packages, than the usual five inch.

Alan: yes, the other place that I have seen them is Pocamon.

Kettle:Yeah, now it's that something strange. There is quite a few artists using them. There is a japanese artist, Yocamora, releasing double albums of 3" and JLIAT the U.K. artist..

Alan: Mathew Thomas has one. But anyway.. that's worth mentioning because if you have never seen a 3" CD before then buy some Kettle stuff. Alright what are we going to hear next.

Kettle:Everybody should have a three inch.. On label:Kettle there is not only myself, there is another Brisbane artist, Lloyd Barrett. Who is a talented composer, we are going to play a spectrum of his work. This is diaspora, the guise that Lloyd Barrett is under and the track and the album name are symbols, in a typical art style. The track symbol is half a face with half an eye. It is a lovely meditational track so you should relax and get in a confortable mood and listen to this.

...broadcast of ')_|-:' by diaspora...

...broadcast of 'Grey Soundtrack' by Kettle...

Alan: You are listening to 3D radio 93.7 FM, with Vanishing Point. The time is eleven minutes to one am. You're here with Alan and Andrew Kettle, from Brisbane's label:Kettle.

Kettle:To perhaps understand what yo where just listening to, it is in fact a soundtrack to an animation by Junia Wulf, a Melbourne animation artist, called 'Grey', which will hopefully be played at the experimental film night at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, if everything goes well.

Alan: Do we know when that is on?

Kettle: No, I've got no idea. The submission is in and we will just wait. Yes, well the soundtrack was a response to my resent work with electromagnetic radiation, that was more of a branch out from domestic appliances to the found sounds around the city, pedestrian crossing beepers, transformers, traffic control signal boxes, mobile phone, all those sort of things you usually don't hear.

Alan: Well, I think that you hear mobile phone increasingly these days.

Kettle: That's true. We are off now to a duo with myself and LLoyd Barrett, called Poota. The track and album is called 'Chunks' which is a work that LLoyd Barrett did remixing our work from 1998. It is a retrospective of our work from around that time.

Alan:O.k. he we go.

...broadcast of 'Chunks' by Poota...

...broadcast of 'Public Space' by Kettle...

...microphone feedback...

Alan:A bit of feedback there to spice your life up.

Kettle:Oh, the sweet sounds of feedback.

Alan:You should be used to that by now. This is the vanishing point, on 3D radio 93.7 FM, it's 1 minute to 1am.

Kettle:Time goes quickly doesn't it.

Alan:It certainly does. It's about time to wrap it up I guess. What was that one called?

Kettle:Well, of all things it was called 'Public Space' which was a live performance during the Queensland Arts week, from last year. Performed in the Queen Street Mall, which would be Rundle Mall in Adelaide. It was quite a fun performance to do. It was five spoken word poems, that I has composed with a spoken word artist in Brisbane. It made it on to the ABC compilation, 'Sound Quality' with Tim Richie. We are leaving you so quickly this evening with another Brisbane artist, Brianlego, and the track title is 'Scrye me a mirror'. Everything you have heard this evening is of course available on label:Kettle. The website is

Alan:Are you open to people sending you stuff? For inclusion on the label or collaboration?

Kettle:Yes, always open. I also program on 4ZZZ which is a station very similiar to 3D in Brisbane. I used to do the announcing for 'Atmospheric Disturbances', which is like a sister show to Vanishing Point, which is now defunct, but there is a lot of experimental music being played in Brisbane ... and Adelaide, which is exstatic.

Alan:Thanks for coming in and playing.

Kettle:Thanks for the opportunity

Alan:That's quite alright. We are leaving you with Brainlego, and I will be back next week.

...broadcast of 'Scrye me a mirror' by Brainlego...