
Press: Radio, Print & Reviews


Radio Article
'Sound Quality', with Tim Richie.
Radio National, ABC.
29th December, 2000. 10pm

"By the way we only have two CD players, so I have to get rid of the one we just heard because we have got a very short one lined up next.
Now the short one that I have lined up next is a couple of pieces I played a couple of weeks ago which is the album called 'Lotto', its an album in that it is a release, it's on a little disc that is about six and a half centemetres wide, like the normal one except that is bigger.
It is from the Brisbane Sound artist Kettle, and in it he says that there is three ways you can enjoy this. You can enjoy limitless CD music, there is 45 tracks on it, and each track is loopable, you press repeat one on your CD player and enjoy each track infinitely or until you press the track advance button, so you can do that.
You can play Lotto with any 45 number lottery ticket, mark seven numbers you believe will appear on the CD display then press random or shuffle, depending on how the CD player works, and you can enjoy that.
Or you can press random and let it predict lotto for you and you will win.
So we have Kettle in there, mine doesn't have random or shuffle button, so I'm just spinning the thing, and it has decided that number 31 is good.

..broadcast of track 31..

That is number 31 , it stopped quite abruptly. Another one to predict?
Now if you want to get hold of this, go to the website and there will be links of how you can get in contact with Kettle, because it is not general release. Too late for Christmas but it could be a 'good start of the year' present, for those of you who celebrate the starting of the year. Track 14 is the next one it has sellected.

..broadcast of track 14..

And that is how it finishes. A multi-purpose disc, Lotto.
Alright we are going to move on now, I just thought because I had some enquires about this that I would, you know, give you a chance of having to experience the lotto experience again. I think that I said experinece far too many times then. This I can't say often enough....."