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Radio Article
'New Music Segment', with Tim Richie and Helen Thomas.
Radio National, ABC.
Wednesday Morning, 13th December, 2000.

Tim: Now I am going to finish the year on this note. Which is a miniCD, which is that big, which is 6 and a half centemetres.
Helen: Does that say 'Killer'?
Tim: No it says Kettle.
Helen: Oh, Kettle.
Tim: Kettle is the name of a Brisbane Sound Artist, and he has put out this Cd called 'Lotto'. And there is three ways you can use it..
Helen: He's a punter.
Tim: He's a punter ... well, when he sent it to me he said that this could save the ABC. No financial troubles anymore. By simple application of this CD. There are 45 tracks on it and you can listen to them in order, all 45, for a musical experience. You can find one that you particularly like and set your machine to repeat it, so for as long as you want you can listen to that piece of music, or he says is that way to use it to save the ABC is ..
Helen: Fill in the Lotto ticket?
Tim: Is use it to predict Lotto. You put it on shuffle and random in your CD player and the first, depending on how many your lotto thing, 8 or what ever, the first 8 numbers will win you lotto. No guarentees.
Tim: Unfortunately, our studio ones don't have random play, so I can just spin the wheel and we can see what a couple of the numbers are and we can see what they sound like. Does that tempt you?
Helen: Sounds good.
Tim: O.k. We just randomly spin. This is me randomly spinning. (sound of dial spinning)
Helen: I don't know, I still like the idea of buying a horse. I think that we may have more of a chance with that, but lets have a listen.
Tim: We've come up with an 18 second one, number 7.
... track 7 broadcast...
Tim: O.k., now we are randomly going to try for another one.
Helen: that's it?
Tim: That's it. That's what it does. It's only a six and a half centemetre Cd so it doesn't hold much information. Total of 12 minutes 31. If you want to get this you are going to have to contact listener inquiry..
Helen: So, 7, 21 .. you need six for lotto.
Tim: You want to go through six?
Helen: We might as well.
Tim: Let me find randomly ... number 39.
... track 39 broadcast ...
Tim: O.k. So we will quickly move along to another one..
Helen: So we are looking for lotto numbers here incase you just tuned in. Tim is getting desparate.
Tim: with the CD that predicts winners.
Helen: called Kettle.
... track 1 broadcast ...
Tim: That is spooky that one.
Helen: What number?
Tim: Number one. Right, we have three of the numbers we need.
Helen: We need three more.
Tim: And I have got a feeling that lucky 13 has come up.
... track 13 broadcast...
Tim: That is quite pretty, movement, colour.
Helen: Do you define this under 'ambience'?
Tim: No, because some of them are really noisey, like 'arhrhrrh', so I wouldn't do that.
Helen: So, if you are looking for the numbers. There is 7, 39, 1 , 13.
Tim: 25.
... track 25 broadcast...
Tim: Almost sounds like crickets, and someone with irritable bowel syndrome.
Helen: A tram.
Tim: I think we are getting there.
Helen: O.k. one more.
Tim: It's stopped at 32. So 32 is..
... track 32 broadcast ...
Tim: It sounds like a childs toy. The only trouble is Helen is that we have given away these numbers. So now we are going to have to share the dividend with so many people.
Helen: Well you know what we should do, we should wait Decemeber 30th, because it is the first Saturday Lotto. I saw this being advertised the other night on tele and I think that that is going to be worth something like 22 million dollars. So, I don't mind to share.
Tim: That's twice radio national budget. We are set.
Helen: So do you want to read the numbers off my hand?
Tim: 7,39,1,13,25, 32. And you will win lotto. No guarantees.
Helen: and if that fails then we buy the horse.
Tim: Done.
Morning Announcer: Arr, they are full of it this morning. Tim Richie and Helen Thomas. Always on the lookout for a sure thing. And we wish Tim a very happy holiday season.