
Press: Radio, Print & Reviews


Radio Article
'Sound Quality', with Tim Richie.
Radio National, ABC.
22nd December, 2000. 10pm.

"...and Now I am going to play you three tracks from a thing that is probably about, in distance from one side to the other of the CD, is a little one. It's probably 65 mills, something like that, so a little disc, and it has 45 tracks on it and what you are supposed to use it for, because it is entitled 'Lotto', and you are supposed to put it in your CD player, hit shuffle or random and the first of however many depending on your lotto game, if it needs 6, 7 or 8, however many, it will give you the numbers and play you a musical treat. So this CD is designed to win you millions of dollars.
Now we don't, because of the kind of CD players that we have in the studio a 'shuffle' we can play you the first track that goes for 17 seconds. Have a listen to this.
... track 1 broadcast ...
So that is the first one. Now we will do it randomly to give you an idea what it's going ... I actually have to write the durations too .. that's 15 seconds .. now I'll just spin the wheel, I'm not watching.
(sound of dial spinning heard) And we come up with the winning number. 37. Which sound like this.
... track 37 broadcast ...
Cute. Do you like the concept? Let's do one more. By the way, the artist that make this is a Queensland guy who works out of Brisbane. His name is Kettle, or Andrew Kettle, but if you go to the web page and find Kettle and access him and buy this disc, because it's going to be pretty hard to find it in a shop because it doesn't fit in, even in a retail sense. It's not in a box of the normal size, so it would slip down and you would be able to find it.
He also reminds us that each track is loopable, i.e. you just hit 'Repeat' on your thing and you can listen to it for a day if you like. Each one of the 45 tracks, but I wouldn't necessarily enjoy that. He says that to play Lotto with any of the 45 number, just put it in and mark [your numbers on your lotto card] Random, ..hmmm.. you can predict Lotto. Have Kettle, who is the artist, choice the winning numbers. Play Lotto in random and note the winning numbers. Yep. You can enjoy Kettle with friend while it composes chaotically, it says here. And enjoy limitless CD music by looping it. So, we'll do one more ... spinning the wheel, which is the sort of same as lotto. 44. Now that is a good random number.
... track 44 broadcast...
Now, with just days to go before Christmas, this is the perfect gift, not that I am of course suggesting that you should spend your money on anything, it's up to you. That was track 44 from Kettle from the CD called Lotto, it's a little one so keep your eyes open for that."