
Press: Radio, Print & Reviews


4ZZZ Radio 102.1 FM, Brisbane

Reviews by Lloyd Barrett

Lotto Cover Art
Kettle - Lotto

This has been a particularly successful release for Kettle, having received airplay on a number of "large" radio stations around Australia. Much has been made of the gimmick - 45 tracks and a lotto sheet, random play and pick your numbers. Focusing on the music however, we discover a reason why this should be mandatory listening for all adventurers in sound. Crystal clear production makes a big difference along with a sense of definite composition. Rather than these individual pieces being random, there is a definate, defined structure - perhaps best to consider them as skits, jokes or inventions. Simple yet crafted. Sources are a manic compendium of movie samples, synth glitches, processed noise spread delicately across the stereo spectrum. Believe me, some are catchy as hell - they'll be smeared across your brain soon!

Fading Cover Art

Kettle - Fading

Combining his studies in alchemy with his live sound-art [Andrew] Kettle has fashioned a subtle gem of shifting textures, drones and glitches. Cutting and refining his previous works down to distill their original essence, this mini-cd moves from contemplative electronic hum and organ drone to noisy chaotic squalls released from malfunctioning circuits expertly tampered with. Bringing together the mantric experimental drones of Lamont Young's "Theatre of Eternal Music" with the crackle and glitch of modern electro, this is a bite size release that still satisfies the appetite.

With My Left Eye Closed Cover Art

Kettle - With My Left Eye Closed

This mini-cd was created in response to a medical condition with occasional deterioration of sight in his right eye. Not sure how this relates to the sound of the three pieces but ignorance is not a handicap in appreciating the mesmerising digital soundscapes compiled from electro-magnetic feedback. A pretty, buzzing, bubbling audio world exists in tandem with our mobile-phone universe. Occasionally, those with car stereos will pickup a variety of tones and blips. Using induction microphones, Kettle has recorded a number of digital sources which mesh languidly in this swirling soup of sound. Packaged in a tin case this is a curiously beautiful release.

Gratings Cover Art

Kettle - Gratings

More beguiling induction-mic symphonies. This one comes from a live performance at one of Brisbane's more interesting events, "Gratings". Amongst local and international performers, Kettle performed with "Sound Jewellery" attached to his hands. Moving in a precise, ceremonial manner, he extracted the hum, buzz and hiss from a television set. Sounds simple, yet the dynamics of this release make it sublime. Turning the volume way up on the stereo gives the listener access to a number of bizarre modulations making this a stoner essential! Also included is a theme for an animated feature that utilises the similar sources but gives a slightly more manic vibe. Fans of Ryoji Ikeda's work should definitely check this one out.

Chunks Cover Art

Poota - Chunks

A five track mini-cd that features a collection of mutated jams from these legendary Brisbane electro improvisors circa 1998. Quite a broad spectrum is covered from spastic noise (track 2), almost funky (track 3), dubbed out (track 4) and enthno-forgery (track 5). Using the bare minimum of cheesy keyboards, home computers and experimental bravo Mr Kettle & Mr Barrett fashion a mostly tuneful sort of experimental music that defies conventional concepts of electronic improvisation. This is a primer for a full length cd "Bits" that chronicles the demise of Poota.