
Press: Radio, Print & Reviews


DJ Profile

Rave Magazine, Brisbane. Wednesday, November 11, 1999. P16.

Andy Kettle host Atmospheric Disturbances, a 4ZZZ show focusing on experimental and electronic music. The programme hosts its first live event, Deviations, this weekend. Andy recently emailed some answers to Dance Culture HQ...

When and why did Atmospheric Disturbances start?
Atmos.Dis. tose from the ashes of Dead Air, the previous experimental show on 4ZZZ. As Atmos.Dis. the weekly show (Wednesday, 11pm - Midnight) is into its 18th week, however 4ZZZ has always had an experimental influencial in some form.

What's the program's mission statement?
To promote local and national electronic experimentation from the DIY level to the professional. There's a growing interest in experimental musical forms locally, nationally and internationally. Considering a majority of Australian experimental bands gain more exposure overseas (Severed Heads and Snog, for example), I feel it is important to have a show that exposes this talent however embryonic it may seem. Spiritual enlightenment, ascendancy, expressing the angst i society, the atmosphere that is building toward the turn of the century. Nothing short of total war against the banality of popular media! As the name suggests Atmos.Dis. is a mixture between atmospheric and disturbing sounds. "What is the use of ears, if we don not truly listen."

What kind of music do you broadcast?
Being a community radio station, Atmos.Dis. is supporting predominantly local artists, with a theme of experimental musicians and sound artists. However, as there is next to no pure experimental shows on radio in Australia (Atmos.Dis. being the only Australian, experimental radio show broadcast onto the World Wide Web), I am encouraged to program national experimental labels, such as Zonar, Dual Plover and Spill, etc. Atmos.Dis. goes to net-air through the real audio feed on the 4ZZZ webpage at The Atmos.Dis. page is at, that is being developed to include sponsor links, playlists, and artists links and bios. To include yourself on the weekly playlists and newsletter that is distributed electronically (saving trees) email a 'subscribe request to This email is also for any other requests and introductions, etc.

Are there many outlets for this music?
A few projects and arts collectives have organised their own events, but we intend to establish Deviations as a bi-monthly event for experimental musicians and sound artists; to raise the profile of the experimental talent in Brisbane, and to gain awareness of Atmos.Dis. and 4ZZZ.

Is there an experimental scene that you're tapping into, or are these musicians isolated individuals?
There are a few nests of musicians flocking amongst themselves, loosely one focused band with many side-projects. The universities also harbour a few interesting projects. Brisbane has always had some experimental project buzzing, it's nothing new, just a different floodlight to attract the moths, so to speak.

Are there any plans to release the music you broadcast?
We are organising a compilation CD, DV8, of the artists that have supported the show to date. DV8 is being mastered through 4ZZZ's own label, Zed Head. It will be out next year, and all being well, there will be another, as many artists missed the submission closing date and are very enthusiastic.

Why hold a live event?
Deviations, our first live event, will give us an excuse to get together with a lot of artists, to create a communial atmosphere, get networking, and establish realationships with artists, musicians, sponsors and organisers. Another event that is being planned is a huge jam session, where we hiring a huge mixing desk and each artist is invited to bring one instrument and is given one line-in. Mixing it should be mind-blowing, and having all the artists feed off each other will be orgiastic! To prove the age-old argument that electronic music is not just robotic, and non-human, it will be great to get the musicians together to organise other events and support acts for one another. It's great also to establish relationships with sponsors such as Production Dungeon that are supplying the PA for the night.

Who is playing and what do they sound like?
On the Deviations night, Brainlego will be starting (at 8pm), a side project of Poota. The performance will morph into Poota and then drift into Vinyl Anus, the other side-project. All three are psycho-ambient in nature, with Poota being more 'music concrete' oriented. DJ Kraken will spin disc's while A Short Journey set up. Dj Kraken set ranges from ambience to noise, with A Short Journey being psuedo-melodic and ambient.

Tony Horner.

Deviations is held in 4ZZZ's courtyard this Saturday.
Atmospheric Disturbances airs on Wednesday from 11pm.