
Career Highlights

2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999


Soundscapes 2002AD Electronic Music Conference, Adelaide Fringe.
11:00am - 12:30pm, Wills Refectory.
With Sonia Leber and David Chesworth (Wax Sound Media), Scanner and Andrew Kettle.
The nature of sound has and will continue to be explored by electronic sound artists. Their ability to place computer based sounds within both specific environments is a particular art. This session will explore sound its environmental context and placement.

The Static Laboratory

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[Live. 24 November, 01. Can of Worms Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse, Turbine Hall. A collection of aural, alchemical laboritory experiments and research.]
2002AD Electronic Music Conference, Adelaide Fringe.
3:30 - 5:15pm, The Cinema.
An aural alchemical laboratory producing vibrations across the spheres.
An Artist's Presentation that offered previous performance video projections, slide projections, recorded audio works, live performance of designed instruments (DC motor chains, EMR rings, Dry Ice-Metal textures, 'RosePetal' the black rat, SW radio & Diode exciter), non-verbal vocalisations and spoken word considerations of the symbolic and thematic elements in the works of Kettle.

"I was really quite spellbound by the performance and the subject matter and by the end could make sense of the alchemical connection with sound in terms of vibration. And of course there is something innately magical about electricity, and in particular - arcing and sparking. I though you were very dextrous with leads and connectors and maintained a spoken word performance in persona very adeptly. Your assistant played an admirable role with the rat and associated lab tasks."
Robyn Ravlich, The Listening Room, ABC Classic FM.

Small Black Box

Small Black Box In 2002, Small Black Box, A Monthly performance space at Metro Arts, 109 Edward St., Brisbane to foster a community (both artists and audience) dedicated to experimental music and sound art, curated by Andrew Kettle received a 'Arts & cultural product' grant of $4995 from Arts Queensland to produce and promote the performance space. This grant has developed the site. printed monthly press material, rental of the Metro Arts theatre space and artists payments.


EarClips EarClips 2002 is a collection of new work for radio commissioned by The Listening Room with funds from the Radio Special Initiatives Fund through Radio National and the Regional Radio Production Fund. This collection features 19 three minute sound clips which reflect creatively on the theme "my world, this time".
Andrew Kettle was commissioned to create "Cunningham's Gap", exploring his shared love for the landscape and its perceived spirit that moulded his childhood in Uragupul territory. Reviving the remnant language that was documented of the Uragupul people.
"The tones and rythmns of the words are part of the landscape themselves."
The compilation of EarClips 2002 where featured through July and August on ABC Classic FM, as part of the 70th anniversary of the ABC.