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UnAustralians - UnAustralians

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LP from Pulled Out (PULLLP07)

Buy Now $34.00 from Pulled Out

Taking their name from Meat & Livestock Australia propaganda the Melbourne based duo of Ein and Aus transgress a spiritual reality in which grindcore is subverted towards a path of procratinat-obliteration. 46 cranial fracturing songs featuring wailing banshee vocals, a drum machine set to over 300bpm and a possesed 20th century shredder guitarist. On stage, the couple use chainsaws, exploding corpses, and other visual devices to communicate their ideas about domestic violence and civil disobedience. UnAustralians truly represent the extremely brutal end of improvised music in Australia. Limited edition of 300 on clear red vinyl. Comes with a bonus DVD or video download (customers outside Australia) of live performances.